• Fraxel: ReFine as a laser

The Fraxel re:fine

Ø Treats minor skin damage, decreasing signs of damage.
Ø Treatment is quick and effective, allowing minimal down time with rapid return to activities.
Ø Targets sun damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into the skin.
Ø Treats only a fraction of tissue leaving the surrounding tissue intact which promotes rapid healing.
Ø Stimulates the body’s natural healing process, replacing the older or damaged cells with fresh, glowing healthy skin.
Ø Treats texture, tone of skin, melasma, fine lines and wrinkles.

1550 um laser: Adjustable Power/Depth

5 mJ 389 um 5%
10 mJ 497 um 10%
15 mJ 603 um 15%
20 mJ 650 um 20%
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The Laser Market